FAQ’s for Defendants |
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- Why should I hire a sentencing consultant or mitigation expert if I already have an attorney? We work with your attorney to help advocate for your many needs as you continue through the criminal justice process. Our unique abilities as social workers provide you with our expertise in communication, negotiation and liaison-ship with the many community networks that serve the criminal justice system. Our specialized knowledge of sentencing laws and the factors that influence them helps your defense team by supplying reports and evaluations exclusive to you and your history. We take the time and truly assess what issues are related to your case that may otherwise be overlooked and misrepresented.
- What kind of assistance can I expect from our relationship? We really take the time to get to know you and tell your “story” to those in the system that ultimately have the power to decide your fate. We provide support to you and your family, offer courtroom readiness information, thoroughly explain the process for each step you are taken through the system, and help you prepare for your trial or sentencing. While we can’t guarantee any specific results we have been very successful in many of our cases with downward departures in prison time, reduced sentences, community-based sentences, admission to diversion programs and referral to the services you may need to get back on your feet after arrest.
- What kind of defendants would benefit from the services of a hired sentencing consultant? While we believe we can assist many types of cases the following circumstances may be recognized as particularly in need of our services:
- Cases which include first degree charges and face lengthy incarceration
- White collar crimes where there is a long history of service and support from the community
- Clients who have no prior record or experience with the Criminal Justice System
- Clients whose addiction or mental health problems contributed towards their arrest or could “explain” their criminal behavior
- Cases which involve defendants who are mentally or physically disabled and may need special attention or care while being processed through the system
- Clients who are close relatives of their victim and are suffering family discord as a result of the offense.
- High profile cases when the press or notoriety of the charges require special protection or support from your defense team